Details of the 2025Reunion are now available just click here. OLD HALTONIAN PASSWORDThe latest password is “P287ugs?” to get into the member’s section. Updated on May 19th 2023.“Your Council has been working hard to update our Old Haltonians website. We are pleased to announce that the new site will launch on 14th February 2022, same URL as before, front end of the site will be open to the general public but there will be a RAFHAA Members Log In page for more sensitive association content. To access the members only pages you will need to supply your email address or use your Facebook or Google account and the site password. We will change the password every 6 months or so and this will be advised in our Newsletter at the appropriate time. The launch password is “213hornet”.Besides all the features contained by the present site, we now include a “Discussion Forum” for members use. So that your contributions are organised in a logical way, we have introduced seven discussion topics. They are:General DiscussionQuestion and AnswersApprentice Training DaysIn-service TimesCivilian/Retirement ExperiencesAircraft Engineering Past and PresentSearching for lost matesWhen using the discussion pages please moderate your language, respect each other, and refrain from offensive comments. No Spamming. The Forum will be moderated, and unacceptable remarks will be deleted. Try it out, let’s get communicating with each other! I have opened each room with a post, please respond where you can.Another new page is the Donations Page. Here, the public and members may donate to the Association through two links. The first link is via the Just Giving Platform and donations may be made easily by using a debit or credit card. The second platform is by Wonderful and here donations may be made by using bacs or a private bank account transfer. In both cases, we will claim Gift Aid (if applicable). The Just Giving platform allowing use of cards charges a small handling fee while Wonderful and bank transfers are totally free.Please let us know how you find the new website and any ideas you have for improvements and or additional content would be well received.” Updated 24th May 2022